I did some reading on Italian Cooking. What is it exactly? Where did it start?
I was surprisingly shocked at my findings. Anna Maria Volpi, clearly explains how the history of Italian cooking is rich, while having a strong sense of diversity.
My whole life I have heard it said that cooking is difficult. This in reality is the one reason I've delayed my cooking experience. Not to get off topic, while it isn't hard to believe, it is only true to some extent. Cooking is much like anything else we do, practice makes it better. With that being said cooking implies a sense of creativity.
"Many non-Italians identify Italian cooking with a few of its most popular dishes, like pizza and spaghetti. People often express the opinion that all Italian cooking is pretty much alike. However, those who travel through Italy notice differences in eating habits between cities, even cities only a few miles apart. Not only does each region have its own style, but each community and each valley has a different way of cooking as well."
- Anna Maria Volpi "What is Italian Cooking"
It is evident that this statement rains true in a number of cases:
- Recall the way your mom's macaroni tastes, Now think about how your aunt's macaroni taste.I'm guessing DIFFERENT?
- Cooking calls for an imagination beyond the recipe. (the recipe is just a guide line)
- I've noticed while reading this article, Italian cooking originated from diversity. So lets be different.
I wholeheartedly endorse that cooking calls for a sense of personality. To put it in another way, NO ONE COOKS EXACTLY THE SAME! This goes back to my example of your mother and your aunt.
Volpi makes it very clear that Italian cooking has progressed over time and I believe mine ( and yours) will follow that pattern. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE...makes it better!
As I start on this adventure, this is one thought I will keep in mind (AND I HOPE YOU DO THE SAME).
It's absolutely true that everyone does not cook the same. My sister makes these delicious cookies, she put all the ingredients together and told my brother what to mix and how long to bake. They were horrible. I also have to agree with Ms. Volpi about people thinking Italian food is one or two things. Original pizza came from ancient Rome and was flat bread with olive oil and herbs sometimes with some cheese, died meat, and/or veggies. Definitely not the pizza we know today. Are you going to try one of your own family's recipes? I'd be interested in seeing the differences from yours to what you remember you family member making.