Spaghetti is clearly a basic Italian meal. While being a very widely used meal, it is prepare it rather differently depending on who you are.
While on the journey to the first dish, Spaghetti, forced me to think of some different way I've seen spaghetti used. The one that stood out to me oddly the dish is used as a quick "cheap" meal. In addition, spaghetti is used to get through hard times for some families. In short people use spaghetti as a convenient meal that is inexpensive.
Originally in Italian culture the sauce and noodles are left separate until preparing to make the plate. The creativity in cooking, as we discussed in the last post, is essential. With respect to this last statement, the drifting away from the original way of preparing spaghetti shouldn't be done.
Picture yourself walking into the cafeteria as you approach the counter, you see spaghetti, it is the noodles with the sauce. What is the first thing that runs through your head? How long has that been sitting there?
Or maybe you'll think about every time they scrap a scoop of spaghetti, the noodles are now all chopped up, while the flavor of the sauce seeps into the noodles.
The Point
On one hand you have those who leave the noodles and the sauce together for the convenience I just discussed above. On the other hand there are the people that stick with the guidelines of Italian food, and mix the sauce and noodles when needed. I disagree with mixing the spaghetti up due to the fact that when the sauce sits in the noodles, the food does not taste as fresh.
Accordingly, I cooked my spaghetti with the influence of the Italian food.
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