Thursday, June 2, 2011

Life Changing Health

In today's post I would like to discuss eating healthy. The challenge to eat healthy is one we all can say has somewhat of importance in our lives or the lives of people we come in contact with. However is eating healthy a life changing event?
I did some research, one article I came across on Food Network discussed "Italian Favorites, Lightened Up" This article gives examples of tasty Italian meals that are normally loaded with calories and gives suggestions on how to adjust then to fit a more healthy life style. To illustrate the article uses Fettuccine Alfredo, a 1200-calorie dish, giving examples of how we can ultimately use less sauce, limited portions of protein, and vegetable additions.

On one hand I agree that we need to try and look to eat healthier meals, while on the other hand, it is hard to believe that watering down the sauce and reducing the protein will leave me as satisfied with my meal. To put it bluntly, I am not just eating for substance, yet for pleasure. I WANT MY FOOD TO TASTE GOOD!

The article goes on and elaborate about how large portions of a pasta dish in particular can be the worst things you can do. While not completely throwing this idea under the bus I can say I do agree with this statement. Ultimately this idea is effective mainly because it does not take away from the quality of the food. In short I don't mind eating less, while maintaining the character of a dish. Moreover I see portion control as being a key to being smart. Common sense will get you a long way, so if you are full stop eating. In addition, including vegetables in the meal as the article mentions can help keep a balance of what you want and what you need.

So is eating healthy a life changing event? Not at all, minor tweaks are sufficient for quality food. 


  1. I agree with this post sometimes less is more. And since now I cook for myself, I have a better control over what I eat.

  2. The biggest things to eating healthy is first choosing a balanced diet and then better portion control. I know pasta holds a ton of calories. But as not to lose the "character of the dish," make it the way you do and make it feel like you've eaten more than you have. To make me feel like I've eaten more, I either add a vegetable side or I use a smaller plate. It works surprisingly well. Wait 20 min. before going for seconds, pasta expands. I also tend to invite my younger brother over, little to no leftovers. By the way your dish looked really yummy!

  3. I agree portion control is probably the best way to go. No one wants to eat bland food all the time. Thats probably the problem with diets like Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem. No one wants to stays on them because the they don't feel like paying for all that bland nasty food. Give me a good tasting meal but in small portions and Ill be satisfied.

  4. Did you just say that Fettuccine Alfredo has 1200 calories?!?! I might as well die now, I literally have NO portion control when it comes to Feuccine Alfredo (or any cheesy pasta for that matter) my portion control is just not eating it. I could eat pasta all day every day, it's my weakness!
    I'd like to know if you actually tried any of the "watered down" recipes and what you thought. Would they satisfy a craving? Maybe if they're gross it would solve my portion control problem!! haha
