Where it starts
Cooking is something I've seen my mom and grandmother do very often. I believe it's safe to say great cooking runs in the family. Furthermore, I hope I can one day become as good a cook as they are.
Avoiding the Kitchen
I never thought I would have the desire to be in the kitchen...Ever! When I was younger my mother's main goal was to get me to enjoy cooking. While I don't think I didn't want to enjoy it, I honestly had a problem with her trying to teach me. I can recall starting to cook a meal with her one night, and basically I couldn't get through the whole "Watch the Food" idea. Both my mother and grandmother's mottos were the same, evidently your not suppose to leave the kitchen while cooking. That would include being patient, something I know I lacked. So boring myself with something as slow as cooking was a challenge for me. (While some nights it still troubles me)
Growing Love For Cooking
When I went away for college I quickly realized that I wouldn't be satisfied with fast food every night. In addition, it would be nearly impossible to be healthy by eating Burger King every night. As a result, I had to pick up the phone and call my mother for help. She was excited and willing to help me anyway I need it. Consequently, cooking is somewhat of an everyday venture for me.
Afterwards, when it comes down to my grandmother, she moved to Georgia not to long ago, consequently I don't get to see her as much. For this purpose I go to visit as often as possible and she was waiting will list of recipes.
As I stated in my previous post my mother and grandmother where the main influences in my life when it comes to cooking. While thinking about how I started to cook, I can really say if I didn't see then cook I probably would have a problem. I only wonder, will I do the same with my children?
I have had the same problem when it came to learn how to cook. My father has worked as a professional chef for many, many years. Consequently, I grew up eating delicious meals. However, my father is terrible at teaching how to cook. He ends up making everything himself while not really explaining and I get very, very bored. My mother is also a very good cook. Unlike my father, she is a very good teacher. Although she is a good teacher, I never really bothered to ask her how to make many meals. My main problem is that I do not think to cook anything until I am hungry. By that point, I am too hungry to wait (possibly) hours for my food to be ready. Do you ever have this problem?
ReplyDeleteI really love the topic of this blog. I only know how to cook certain things, mostly generic things like spaghetti, chilli, etc. I don't really know much about types of cooking from other cultures, and I'm usually too scared to eat it anyway. I think it may be because it seems much too complicated, time consuming, and weird. I like things that I can put in the oven or on the stove and leave until the timer sounds.